Languages and Tools
HTML, DOM, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, ES6, Typescript
Web Developer
Marseille, France
Explore My
HTML, DOM, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, ES6, Typescript
ReactJS, React Native, Stimulus
Fetch, Axios, TanStack Query
React Router DOM, Expo Router
Bootstrap, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS, Font Awesome, React Icons, Emotion, Framer Motion, React Native Elements, Stylesheets, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, Sass
Docker, Webpack, Vite
Devise, Pundit
React Native, Expo
Expo Router, React Router DOM
React Native Elements, Stylesheets
React Context API, React Query
Browse My Recent
Password: admin123
A platform designed for farmers to manage their livestock, production, and generate the necessary documents for the AOP certification process.A platform designed for farmers to manage their livestock, production, and generate the necessary documents for the AOP (Protected Designation of Origin) certification process.
Design adapted for outdoors tablet use.
Language: Ruby, JavaScript
Framework: Rails 7
Database: PostgreSQL
UI: Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Tagify, Sass
Bundler: Webpack, Authentication: Devise
Spotify clone
API: Shazam
Language: JavaScript
Framework: React
State Management: Redux Toolkit, React Redux
Routing: React Router DOM
UI: Tailwind, React Icons, Swiper
Data fetching: Axios
Build Tool: Vite
Password: admin123
Airbnb clone. Team project as part of Le Wagon bootcamp (forked repository for redeployment).
Language: Ruby, JavaScript
Framework: Rails 7
Database: PostgreSQL
UI: Bootstrap 5, StimulusJS, Turbo, Sass
Build Tool: Webpack 5, Authentication: Devise, Authorization: Pundit, HTML Parser: Nokogiri, HTTP Client: Axios, Geocoding: Geocoder, Image Management: Cloudinary
Front-end for video games library, using axios for handling promise-based HTTP requests to API.
Language: TypeScript
Framework: React, Vite
UI: Chakra UI, Emotion, Framer Motion
Data fetching: Axios
Score-keeping app designed for improv team 'La Lichette', integrating their visual identity. User-friendly interface to track scores and manage game data for performers, and engaging visuals and audience members.
Language: TypeScript
Framework: React
Build tool: Vite
UI: React Icons
Data storage: Browser Storage
Responsive design : visual desgins for medium/large screens for projecting VS simplified version for mobile (score-keeping purposes only)
Front-End solution to showcase a yoga teacher's services
Language: TypeScript
Framework: React
Routing: React Router DOM
Build tool: Vite
UI: React Icons
Responsive design
Language: Typescript
Framework: React Native, Expo
Routing: Expo Router (file-based)
UI: React Native Elements, Stylesheets
State management: React Context API, React Query
Data fetching: Tanstack Query
Data storage: AsyncStorage, Expo Secure Store, Supabase
Payments: Stripe React Native
Language: Typescript
Framework: React Native, Expo
Routing: Expo Router (file-based)
UI: Stylesheets
State management: React Context API, React Query
Data fetching: Tanstack query
Data storage: AsyncStorage, Expo Secure Store, Supabase
Get To Know More
After having worked for 4 years in the field of international relations, I embarked on a career transition to leverage my analytical skills and passion for problem-solving towards coding and developing wep applications.
As a first taste of computer science, I independently undertook Harvard's online CS50 course, which gave me a solid understanding of fundamental concepts like algorithms, data structures and databases.
Having confirmed my interest for this domain, I went on completed and graduated from the web development program program at Le Wagon, where I learned to develop applications from scratch.
With a strong foundation in OOP and programming logic, I continuously enhance my skills to leverage the latest tools and techniques in web development.
I recently completed the Google UX Design Professional Certificate to learn how to create websites and applications that are not only functional but also intuitive, enjoyable to use, and aesthetically pleasing.
RNCP35653 (Niveau 6)
Création d'application de la conception à la production
Ruby, OOP, DB & SQL, HTML/CSS, Javascript ES6, Ruby on Rails
Principes fondamentaux du design centré sur l'utilisateur: recherche utilisateur, wireframing, tests utilisateur, mockups, prototypage, tests d'utilisabilité, design responsive, accessibilité, architecture de l’information.
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